Our Mission
Our Mission
The Rhode Island Executives Association is a dynamic, close-knit community of entrepreneurial businesses united by a shared commitment to growth, collaboration, and success. Our members work closely together, fostering a supportive environment where trust and partnership thrive. By enthusiastically exchanging leads, insights, and valuable business knowledge, we empower one another to achieve our full potential. Together, we drive meaningful progress, strengthening not only our individual businesses but also our collective impact across Rhode Island. Join us, and be part of a community dedicated to building lasting relationships, inspiring innovation, and ensuring mutual growth for all.
Our Organization
Our Organization
When we say that we are the oldest networking group in the country - we mean it. The first Executives Association was founded in San Francisco in 1916 by eight businessmen who felt there should be an organization that devoted itself to developing business for its members. It did not concern itself with civic, charitable, political or religious affairs of the community but served solely as a business service association.

Today, there are over 110 official Executives Associations around the world, including the United States and Canada as well as England, Switzerland and South Africa. They make up the prestigious International Executives Association web representing over 5,000 business and professional member firms.

The Rhode Island Chapter was established in 1939, the Executives Association of Rhode Island has been giving entrepreneurial businesses the opportunity to forge working partnerships amongst its’ members - giving us all an edge in business.

Build relationships with influential people in all fields of business and industry. Members of this association are pledged to the highest business and professional standards and are recommended for their competence, reliability and dependability - want nothing more than your business to succeed.
Create new opportunities by doing business with fellow members. Promote your business to those who can recommend your company to others. Each member is committed to helping other members increase their business by providing each other with business opportunities.
Establish a network of dependable suppliers of top quality products and services. By becoming a member of our exclusive membership - your have increased your sales force exponentially! You'll suddenly have the power to sell your products every day!
Executives Association of Rhode Island - EARI
Chartered in 1939, the EARI has a rich history as one of the oldest most experienced independent networking organization in the state, and one of the longest established business networking organizations in the country. Many firms have maintained membership for decades, attesting to the lasting, recurring benefits they realize through membership. We also maintain an active effort to bring on new and developing businesses, keeping the group diverse in age, experience, and outreach. The Association also promotes itself to the business community as a reliable resource for referrals to member companies, which are pre-qualified providers of quality goods and services.
The Association facilitates and maintains a continuous exchange of business information among members and other business leaders, and does so in a setting that encourages mutual cooperation, promotes trust, and fosters improved efficiency and service. For more than 70 years, EARI has brought together established business owners and top-level executives to help them grow their businesses. By providing a regular structured, yet relaxed networking environment, Execs members have the opportunity to develop powerful relationships that result in significant business leads and referrals. This solid network also provides members with a dependable supply source for products and services across nearly every industry.

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EARI Membership Moments
EARI Membership Moments
member craft talks
guest speakers
after hours
Exclusive Memberships.
Exclusive Memberships.
Exclusive Membership means powerful networking. Members’ mutual trust evolves naturally from our weekly meetings and working with one another. We accept only those members who exhibit the highest level of integrity and business ethics within the organization and community. Recommendations of members’ products and services are done with confidence. Your invitation to join this elite networking group of top level executives could change your professional life.
Selective Membership
Every member company, admitted only after careful qualification, is the exclusive representative of its specific business category. Members come from many business sectors, including service industries, professions, trades, and associations. Membership is by invitation only and open to all types of business firms. It is limited to one firm in each business or professional classification. Each classification is protected and competition between members is practically non-existent. All applications are subject to approval from the Membership Committee and the Board of Directors.
Expanded Opportunities
Executives Association member representatives work to expand business opportunities for each other by meeting weekly to share worthwhile business information and to arrange to introduce other members to key individuals at companies where members would like to do business. We also host monthly guest speakers from the community to keep our members informed on issues of interest to doing business and living in Rhode Island.
Exchange of Ideas
EARI meets weekly on Zoom, and monthly in person for the primary purpose of exchanging leads and sharing other information directly related to generating business for members. We also enjoy the opportunity to meet at member-hosted “execs after-hours” and several social events throughout the year. We serve to connect the community with the most reputable companies and thought leaders across all business sectors and to give our members the chance to exchange valuable insights, resources, and opportunities.
Interested in Joining us?
Interested in Joining us?
What Can Your Business Expect?
Virtually all member companies gain new sales as a result of joining the Executive Association. Most members will tell you that the Executives’ Association is more cost-effective than any marketing expense their company makes.
Membership Requirements
People do business with those they know and trust – and that starts with members themselves. To foster close relationships within the association, Execs members are encouraged to attend each weekly meeting to develop and maintain the relationships that will bring them leads and referrals. We know that sometimes you just can't break away from your business - and we have you covered; attendance and participation is all we ask - that and you attend a minimum of seven (7) meetings a quarter.

We encourage members to have up to two (2) alternates so that your attendance does not suffer. In the event that you need to take a medical leave, with proper notice to the board, your membership attendance will not be compromised; however you do have the responsibility to keep your dues up to date. The RIEXECS also has a semi-active membership available for a term no longer than six (6) months and only if you qualify; semi-active status must be presented to the board for approval prior to changing your status, dues must be remained current during this semi-active status. Details are in the by-laws under membership.

Click on the icon to view the meeting calendar.
Membership Benefits
While Execs’ primary purpose is to generate new business for fellow members – it does that and much more. Members enjoy an ongoing exchange of business information with other key executives, and opportunities to form profitable business partnerships. Weekly meetings focus on really getting to know and understand each other’s businesses.
Become a member

Please let us know the interest of EARI in the message box:

Executive Director: Rhonda Labush
Contact: *(401) 529-0953

Voice 401-529-0953